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Following Christ is not only about believing, it’s also about belonging. We are members of His Body—the Church. Saint Paul taught that for the organs of your body to fulfill their purpose, they must be connected to your body. The same is true for us as members of Christ’s Body. We find our purpose by being attached to a living, local Church. It is truly our place to belong.
Simple Steps For Joining Our Parish
1. Attend Sunday Liturgy.
2. Introduce yourself to our Priest, Fr. Christodoulos, and/or a Council member or Usher.
3. Seek to get connected and involved in the parish by browsing our church ministries. Make a prayerful commitment of your time, talent and treasure to the parish as an active member of the Body of Christ
Become a member of St. George Greek Orthodox Church:
Any person who has been baptized according to the Orthodox Faith, or has been received into the Orthodox Christian faith through the Holy Sacrament of Chrismation, and who lives according to the faith and canons of the Church, can be a member of this parish.
Supporting Membership
All persons eighteen years of age or over who qualify for membership as described above, must also be supporting members of this parish. Supporting members are those who participate in the financial support of the Church by making and fulfilling an annual pledge to the Fair Share Stewardship Program. The amount of that pledge is determined by each parishioner's concept of what his or her "fair share" should be. A pledge to the Fair Share Stewardship Program is the supporting member's only required financial support of the Church.
All parishioners may participate in the sacraments and rites of the Church in this parish provided membership requirements have been fulfilled. Participation in the sacraments is an expression of the life and faith of an Orthodox Christian. Parishioners who request Baptisms, Weddings and other services in this parish, must, therefore, be active and consistent pledge members of this parish for a period of at least six months.